Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Self Realisation

Ever sat alone and thought about thy self?? It's one of the toughest tasks, though it might seem, not be so. You always tend to have a wrapper on you, which makes u incubated and feel you are well within your control.

Many of your actions seem justified. You cover up thy self.

I beleive in what's there within me, and try not to beleive this world of maya. I wud like to realise more.

The prerequisite to realisation is to shred aasha - the world of desire.

How am i going to do that? I ask this question to thy self !!


Anonymous said...

at times i used to wonder what life is all about in bus(remember i spend 3 hours a day in bus journey)

but then its better to live life for the day
be happy with what we have.

roumba too mucha future pathi yosicha enikkiu irrukra sondhasam poirum


sai thilak said...

too philosophical... well every thing can be seen as simple truths... Those simple things are so tough to find. :-) (now, I am kinda philosophical!!!)

Anonymous said...

When we realise the self we will never think about the Future ,Present or Past...
