Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Shed Expectations

Few years ago, I noticed, myself believing on certain ideologies and few people blindfolded. I always expected things to happen my way with them. The reason being - the thought, so solid to believe or the person , very affirmative to all my wants. Say my sort of a person with similar or rather common likes/dislikes. I refer to people of both genders. So no usual speculations pals.

As this belief was growing rapidly, I felt very insecure always having a fear within myself. Will he agree to what I say ? Will she believe me? Every time the fear arose, my conscious would say not to worry and trust in the relationship concerned, say brother..friend...

And when you believe so much in a person and he/she behaves unexpected, making all your beliefs vaporize, your feel your blood clog in you. Its a tough feeling. You lose hope, dejected and ditched. You dislike everything. Many of us would have felt it, when it has happened from some one who has been so close to us .

Tho only ray of hope to come out of such a darkness is to
"Shed Expectations"
. Expectations of any form from any one is a risk..Some times even from thy self!!!