Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Shed Expectations

Few years ago, I noticed, myself believing on certain ideologies and few people blindfolded. I always expected things to happen my way with them. The reason being - the thought, so solid to believe or the person , very affirmative to all my wants. Say my sort of a person with similar or rather common likes/dislikes. I refer to people of both genders. So no usual speculations pals.

As this belief was growing rapidly, I felt very insecure always having a fear within myself. Will he agree to what I say ? Will she believe me? Every time the fear arose, my conscious would say not to worry and trust in the relationship concerned, say brother..friend...

And when you believe so much in a person and he/she behaves unexpected, making all your beliefs vaporize, your feel your blood clog in you. Its a tough feeling. You lose hope, dejected and ditched. You dislike everything. Many of us would have felt it, when it has happened from some one who has been so close to us .

Tho only ray of hope to come out of such a darkness is to
"Shed Expectations"
. Expectations of any form from any one is a risk..Some times even from thy self!!!


Nimme said...

Looks like u have felt and written this post.
Good one.

Well,honestly i always trust ppl i like,i always knew they cant anything spectacular from me nor i am going to ask them something.

But one thing Ashok, u must have the will power to move away from ppl whom have mistreated or illtreated you. Let them be guys or girls,if you feel they have used you or fooled you, you got to move away from such ppl and prove them that u can be happy without them also.

Thats how world works out to be.
Ppl change.One of my best pals told this to me "We have been good frinds over years..a day might come in our lives when we may not talk the way we did in school, a day may come when u may forget to wish on my bday or not having time to talk,our egos might be higher to come back..on that day never feel bad coz we have had 20 good years of friendship and carry the good memories and i honestly tell you we should never let that happen"
he told me this when he left to US.

Good post Ashok

Sreeja Nambath said...

Quite a nice post. But then to shed expectations is not that easy as we say right? As human beings, we tend to expect and at times I feel that living a life without expectations is meaningless.We like it or not,that is how most of us are :)

Ashok Varda said...

Thanks for ur read and your comments:-)
Though expectations are bound to exist , Expectations especially from others needs to be shed.

Expecting from self however increases once confidence and self belief and also helps us identify ones strengths