Monday, March 12, 2007

Infinite Consciousness

The ultimate nectar of life resides within and is tasted by few. Thoughts propagate waves through the biological system . Deep thoughts are one such thing, seldom relished.

The state of mind to evolute such deep thoughts is very difficult to achieve. There are different cases. Some times , an incident that touched your heart so deep might kindle feelings and deep thoughts within you. Else it might be loneliness which may provoke the mind to go into deep thoughts.

Whatever the case might be, The brain starts reasoning facts, beliefs, happenings and raises the big question
The reasoning creates a sense of satisfaction some times , quite often upsets the self and leads to the state of self which is reflected as the mood of the concerned. There are also few people who come out of such states rapidly and get back to work as if nothing happened. You can phrase them to be volatile . Such people do not answer their conscious and escape from it. You may find them not to care for any thing in this world. They are carefree.

But life is not something from which one escapes, one needs to cherish every moment of it. One needs to answer to his conscious for every act of his, as he is a rationale being. One should not simply see life taking him on rides.

Self Reasoning gets the person more maturity. Deep thoughts would avoid one to commit an act of disgrace as his conscious would let him not to do so.

You may come across many questions for which you don't have answer. Why Life? Why Death? Why Me? Why not Today? What is Time? all of them would sound fanatic. Try answering them, you will learn new things. You will feel your head become lighter. We are here for a purpose which we need to find before the life times out. We need to focus rather dissolute the thoughts. Think deep , deeper till you are out of this earthly belongings. You feel a state of unexplainable joy and infinite consciousness

Deep thoughts take you through the corridors of a dark tunnel called life to reach the light at the end which is the moksha. and while traveling through it.
Let your thoughts, beliefs, and conditioned responses drop one by one into the pool of infinite consciousness and dissolve.
- Emoted by the demise of my grandfather whose life stands an example

1 comment:

Nimme said...

i am amazed at ur writing abilities.
the thought flow was like it was written by some philosopher.

sometimes one shouldnt think too much also.