Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The cover strike... Shed red blood

It’s been shooting, higher than ever before; the oil prices in the katcha market have gone so high. 130 USD$ a barrel and Indian government is still trying to play the game of wizards with the Indian Citizens.

The communists have threatened the govt, that they should not increase the fuel cost. They think they are helping the common man, or trying to woo the voters, whatever it is, it’s just a gimmick.

If the there is no hike in oil price, the availability of oil is again low as the oil retailers cannot run into heavy losses. There is a huge demand for petrol and diesel in most of the cities. This in turn increases the prices of other commodities like milk, vegetable, sea food etc, which depend mainly on road transportation.

Now there has been a suggestion to add a fuel cess to the Income tax banner, similar to that of education cess. Just by collecting money from the tax payer is no different from hiking the petroleum prices, as it all amounts to be the same in the perspective of common man. Why does a postman who cycles through his village in the hot sun needs to bear the fuel cess as tax?

The solution is not in identifying from where the money would come, but is in finding from where the resources would come from. The Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline project is moving at snails pace. India’s energy needs are very high and projected results say that lack of energy would be a daunting hurdle in India’s progress. We may even lose major FDI due to this and will get our economy weakened with lesser investments in future

Why are the red flag holders, blocking the Indo-US nuclear deal. The nation’s progress is halted and pity the helpless dummy puppet government at the center. When there is some mutual benefit for both the countries, it’s foolish to think that we are risking our sovereignty.

India being the largest democratic country need not be feared of such hallucinations which the communist reason out. Its been proven the communist ruled states are the least developed in the country, Its easy to be a blockade in the development of the nation, But people should know that It is cover strike and by waving red flags, we shall only shed red blood.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Smile and Wish – Is it a Big Deal?

I have traveled frequently across the length and breadth of the country from my school days. Having known Hindi was a big advantage for me, as I was comfortable in getting along with people in the north, west or the east. But then, When I happened to meet quite a few people from TamilNadu , say, somewhere at Shimla or in the peaks of Auli , We smiled at each other and even had a small chat, though , we were strangers. I don’t know if this would have happened if I had met them at T.Nagar!! Leave alone a chat, we don’t even smile at others whom we come across or glance unknowingly.

We respect our people if we happen to meet outside borders. Every one would agree that Malayali’s are united in TamilNadu, Tamilians are united at Delhi, but not in their own states.

People have been talking about the western culture, influencing our Indian culture and degrading the value system we possess, but I noticed a strong value among people in the western countries. They smile and greet each other irrespective of being strangers or friends. We Indians talk great of our culture, hospitality, respect to elders, etc, but we still fail to show a basic courtesy towards fellow humans. We do this only when needed as I had been citing earlier.

During my stay at the US, I had a nice time greeting each other, most of them being strangers. It also adds to one’s self esteem. I see the Grass chopper wishing me a good day when I pass by, once u reciprocate, he smiles and continues his work. In India, we seldom care to appreciate or respect the labor class. May be here they are not clean and presentable or most of them are uneducated, but still I wish things could change and a scavenger in Chennai smiles at me and says “Vanakkam” and I would love to reciprocate.

Thursday, May 08, 2008


Am back here, almost after a break of 8 months. Though I had opportunities to write all these days, I don’t know what prevented me from doing so. I remember, my last one was before I left to the US in September 2007 for a 3 month official stint there..

Since then lot of things have changed, I myself got shifted to another job, my friends here left the country and settled abroad. Some got married. Time just runs so swiftly that you wink your eyes and find everything around you changed.

There is some phase of your life, where you enjoy every bit of it and then remember them for ever. In contrast, when you are in a confused state, not happy with things around you, where things kept on changing, you don’t get to know what exactly has been happening around.
You lose to enjoy the finer moments that passed by as the sun rises and sets. One fine day, you awake from this sluggishness and would realize that, several months would have gone with the wind.

May be I was in such a phase for a while till now, I could not even identify time to write blogs, Today I am 20 blogs behind. Not that, I have a group of fanfare that follow my blogs,,,, hardly people peek at it, but then here is the place I believe, one expresses himself in open and shares values across and gets feedback and support. So it’s a vital medium to express the self.

Though, now days most of them use blogs to share various media content like, photos and videos, I always believe that media can be supporting stuff but cannot form the meal course of a blog. One's flow of thoughts, experiences and sharing of values should be the primary motive. However it’s my opinion and has got little of relevance in the huge blogger community.

So after a Kumbhakharna’s sleep, I am now awake, will have to write more from now.

So the moral of the story:

Things that you love, Things that you desire, Things that keeps you going
If time and distance make them void, only solution to have them is
Make them as your HABIT.