Thursday, May 08, 2008


Am back here, almost after a break of 8 months. Though I had opportunities to write all these days, I don’t know what prevented me from doing so. I remember, my last one was before I left to the US in September 2007 for a 3 month official stint there..

Since then lot of things have changed, I myself got shifted to another job, my friends here left the country and settled abroad. Some got married. Time just runs so swiftly that you wink your eyes and find everything around you changed.

There is some phase of your life, where you enjoy every bit of it and then remember them for ever. In contrast, when you are in a confused state, not happy with things around you, where things kept on changing, you don’t get to know what exactly has been happening around.
You lose to enjoy the finer moments that passed by as the sun rises and sets. One fine day, you awake from this sluggishness and would realize that, several months would have gone with the wind.

May be I was in such a phase for a while till now, I could not even identify time to write blogs, Today I am 20 blogs behind. Not that, I have a group of fanfare that follow my blogs,,,, hardly people peek at it, but then here is the place I believe, one expresses himself in open and shares values across and gets feedback and support. So it’s a vital medium to express the self.

Though, now days most of them use blogs to share various media content like, photos and videos, I always believe that media can be supporting stuff but cannot form the meal course of a blog. One's flow of thoughts, experiences and sharing of values should be the primary motive. However it’s my opinion and has got little of relevance in the huge blogger community.

So after a Kumbhakharna’s sleep, I am now awake, will have to write more from now.

So the moral of the story:

Things that you love, Things that you desire, Things that keeps you going
If time and distance make them void, only solution to have them is
Make them as your HABIT.


Nimme said...

There is nothing like there is fanfare for ppl who blog .. probably if someone is regular people would check up his blogs
thats it

everytime i post i ask my frnds opinion abt the content..they never comment on blogs but they would say offline

hope u continue
nice to see back

Anonymous said...

Welcome back dude!